الأربعاء، 23 أبريل 2014


المُرَكَّبُ الوَصْفِيُّ

So far we have learnt the characteristics of a single word/ noun, called مفرد. We now come to the compounds المركبات i.e. the phrases/ sentences. If two or more words are joined together, it constitutes a phrase or a sentence (الجُمْلَة), e.g. الطَالِبُ and المُجْتَهِدُ are two mufrad مُفْرَد words. But if they are joined as الطَالِبُ المُجْتَهِدُ ‘the hard working student’ or الطَالِبُ مُجْتَهِدٌ ‘the student is hardworking’, then they became a phrase/sentence. The murakkabat are of two kinds :

1. مُرَكَّبٌ نَاقِصٌ – Phrase or incomplete sentence.
2. مُرَكَّبٌ تَامٌّ  – Sentence (جُمْلَة) which conveys complete sense.

The murakkabun naqis ( مُرَكَّبٌ نَاقِصٌ ) is further divided into the following four types :
A. المُرَكَّبُ الوَصْفِيّ – the adjective phrase.
B.  المُرَكَّبُ الإِضَافِيّ – the relative phrase.
C.  المُرَكَّبُ الإِشَارِيّ – the demonstrative phrase.
D. المُرَكَّبُ الجَارِيّ – the genitive phrase.

It is very important to clearly grasp the above mentioned four phrases, which would go a long way in the construction and understanding of sentences جُمْلَة. In this lesson we shall learn about the Adjective Phrase, while the remaining three Phrases and the subject of sentences will be studied in the subsequent four lessons.

The Adjective Phrase مركب توصيفي/وصفي has two nouns in it where one noun describes the quality of another noun. The noun that describes the quality is called the adjective الصِفَة (sifah) and the noun qualified is called المَوْصُوْف (al-mausuf), e.g. الكِتَابُ المُنِيْرُ “the illuminating Book” [13/184]. Here  الكِتَابُ ‘the Book’ is the noun qualified المَوْصُوْف, and المُنِيْرُ ‘the illuminating’ is its adjective (الصِفَة).
مَلَكٌ كَرِيْمٌ “a noble Angel” [12/31], here  مَلَكٌ ‘Angel’ is المَوْصُوْف and  كَرِيْمٌ ‘noble’ is its adjective الصِفَة. Unlike English المَوْصُوْف comes before الصِفَة (the adjective). 

The important point to remember about مركب توصيفي/وصفي (adjective phrase) is that the adjective الصِفَة is to correspond to the noun being qualified المَوْصُوْف in all the four aspects of a noun, i.e. العَدَد ‘number’, الجِنْس ‘the gender’, الوُسْعَة ‘the capacity – definite/indefinite’ and الإِعْرَاب ‘the case-ending’. These are explained below :
1 The number العَدَد of the adjective الصِفَة is to be in coordination with المَوْصُوْف , i.e. if المَوْصُوْف is singular  then الصِفَة is to be singular, if المَوْصُوْف is dual، then الصِفَة is to be dual, and if المَوْصُوْف is plural، then الصِفَة is to be plural, e.g. وَلَدْ ًصَالِحٌ(a pious boy), وَلَدَانِ صَالِحَانِ (two pious boys), أَوْلاَدٌ صَالِحُوْنَ (three or more pious boys).

2 The gender  الجِنْس of adjective الصِفَة is also to correspond to المَوْصُوْف i.e., if المَوْصُوْف is male مُذَكَّرٌ then  adjective الصِفَة is to bemale مُذَكَّرٌ ; if المَوْصُوْف is female مُؤَنَّثٌ then adjective الصِفَة is to be female مُؤَنَّثٌ too, e.g. بِنْتٌ صَالِحَةٌ (pious girl), بِنْتَانِ صَالِحَتَانِ (two pious girls), بَنَاتٌ صَالِحَاتٌ (pious girls, more than two).

3 The Capacity of  الصِفَة  is also to correspond to that of المَوْصُوْف i.e., if المَوْصُوْف is definite مَعْرِفَة, than الصِفَة  will be definite مَعْرِفَة, and if المَوْصُوْف is indefinite نَكِرَة, than الصِفَة  will be indefinite  نَكِرَة, e.g.
-  وَلَدْ ًصَالِحٌ(a pious boy) >> الوَلَدْ ًالصَالِحٌ
-  وَلَدَانِ صَالِحَانِ (two pious boys) >> الوَلَدَانِ صَالِحَانِ
-  أَوْلاَدٌ صَالِحُوْنَ (three or more pious boys) >>  الأَوْلَادْ صَالِحُوْنَ

4 The Irab / case-ending of الصِفَة are to be in coordination with that of the المَوْصُوْف i.e. if المَوْصُوْف is in nominative case حَالَة الرَفْع than الصِفَة  is to be in nominative case حَالَة الرَفْع , if المَوْصُوْف is in the accusative case حَالَة النَصْبِ then الصِفَة  too is in accusative case حَالَة النَصْبِ, if المَوْصُوْف is in the genitive case حَالَة الجَرِّ then الصِفَة  is to be in genitive حَالَة الجَرِّ , e.g. 

An exception to this rule is that the adjective to the broken plural of inanimate objects is almost always feminine singular, e.g. ﴾ فِيْهَا سُرُرٌ مَرْفُوْعَةٌ، وَأَكْوَابٌ مَوْضُوْعَةٌ ﴿ “  in it there will be couches raised on high, and goblets placed ready ” [88/13-14]. Here مَرْفُوْعَةٌ ‘raised on high’ is الصِفَة of سُرُرٌ ‘couches’ which is a broken plural of سَرِيْرٌ ‘couch’ and an inanimate object.

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